阿鼻地狱, a1bi2di4yu4, Avici hell, Sanskrit—endless torment
阿凡提,a1fan2ti2, Effendi, hero of Uighur folk tales, Turkish hero Nasreddin
阿监, a1jian1, eunuch (白居易)
阿门, amen2, Amen
阿木林, a1mu4lin2, ignoramus; dullard (王明道)
阿司匹林, a1si1pi3lin2, aspirin
X 阿姨, a1yi2, aunty
腌臢, a1za dirty (Giles 1872)
X 啊, a, surprise, exclamation, promise
嗳, ai1, Oh! Ah!
唉声叹气, ai1sheng1tan4qi4, heave deep sighs (of grief, worry), moan and groan
哎, ai1, hey, oh
哎呀, ai1ya1, Damn! Goodness!
哎哟, ai1yo1, Damn! Oops!
唉, ai1, response to call, order, alas ; 唉,我在这儿
哀愁, ai1chou2, sorrow, distress, grief; 解除哀愁;无限哀愁
哀悼, ai1dao4, grief; grieve over someone’s d; lament s/one’s death; 深沉的哀悼/沉痛哀悼
哀嚎, ai1hao2, howl in grief (also 哀号);狗对主人的尸体哀嚎
哀号, ai1hao4, wail; cry piteously; 风整夜地哀号
哀毁骨立, 形销骨立ai1hui3/xing2xiao1gu3li4, be reduced by grief to a skeleton; 折磨得。.
哀哭, ai1ku1, weep in sorrow;开始哀哭起来
哀哭切齿, ai1ku1qie4chi3, weeping and gnashing of teeth; also 咬牙切齿, yao3ya2qie4chi3
哀怜, ai1lian2, feel compassion for, pity, pitiful;富有动人哀怜的力量
哀求, ai1qiu2, beg , implore; 苦苦哀求, piteously implore, entreat;救救我吧,他哀求道
哀伤, ai1shang1, grief, woe; 满意哀伤
哀叹, ai1tan4, bemoan, bewail, lament; 哀叹自己的命令不济;呻吟哀叹, deeply sigh
哀婉, ai1wan3, melancholy,sad/moving
哀怨, ai1yuan4, aggrieved, grief; resentment, resentful
哀乐, ai1yue4, funeral music; plaint
挨, ai1, be close to, next to; 挨着窗口坐; 一颗挨一颗的, next to each other
挨次, ai1ci4, in sequence, one by one, in turn; 挨次上车
挨打, ai1/ai2da3, get a beating (王明道)
挨家挨户, ai1jia1ai1hu4, from door to door
挨肩擦膀, ai1jian1ca1bang3, shoulder to shoulder; rub shoulders, jostle
挨近, ai1jin4, be close to 他家挨近飞机场;挨近我一点儿;
挨了批评, ai1lepi1ping2, because of criticism
挨门挨户, ai1men2ai1hu4, go from house to house;..挨门挨户搜查;挨门挨户推销d-d sales
埃及, ai1ji2, Egypt
挨, ai2, suffer, endure struggle to pull through; 她挨了老板一顿臭骂,心里憋闷得慌
挨饿, ai2e4, suffer from hunger
挨剋, ai2kei1, be told off; 他没有完成作业而挨了剋;因犯错挨剋
挨宰, ai2zai3, overpay; be cheated;他不会讨价还价,经常挨宰
挨揍, ai2zou4, take a beating
癌症, ai2zheng4, cancer; 癌,the same
唉, ai3, Alas! Ah! To something you deny or don’t agree with
嗳气, ai3qi4, belch, burp (see 打嗝)
霭, ai3, mist, haze; Wang Wei 酬郭给事
X 矮, ai3, short
矮半截, ai3ban4jie2, be a grade lower; 他总觉得自己比别人矮半截
矮墩墩, ai3dun1dun1, stocky; thickset (粗壮)
矮化, ai3hua4, to stunt, dwarf
矮胖, ai3pang4, short and stout; dumpy
矮小, ai3xiao3, short and small, be diminutive ; 矮小瘦削,short and thin/haggard
矮子, ai3zi, be short
挨过了一天, ai4guo4leyi1tian1, spend a day, a day dragged by
欸乃, ai3nai3, sound of sculling/rowing; the song while sculling
爱, ai4, love, be inclined to; 爱皱, apt to wrinkle; 爱穿休闲装, inclined to wear casual clothes
爱不释手, ai4bu4shi4shou3, so fond not let it out of hand
爱答不理, ai4da1bu4li3, cold and indifferent
爱戴, ai4dai4, love and esteem (n or v); adore
爱国, ai4guo2, patriotic, love of country
爱好, ai4hao4, hobby; 爱好者
爱河, ai4he2, (river of) love, 双双堕入爱河,fall head over heels in love
爱护, ai4hu4, treasure, cherish, take care of; love
爱理不理, ai4li3bu4li3, cold and indifferent= 爱答不理, stand-offish
爱莫能助, ai4mo4neng2zhu4, willing to help but unable to do so
爱慕, ai4mu4, adore; admire; 相互爱慕;爱慕虚荣, be vain, given to vanity
X 爱情, ai4qing2, to love; 爱情故事; 爱情歌曲
爱人, ai4ren2, lover
爱上, ai4shang4, to fall in love with; 爱上了同某人/爱上了她的合作明星, co-star/联袂主演的
爱屋及乌, ai4wu1ji2wu1, love my house, love the crow; involvement with everything of person
爱惜, ai4xi1, treasure, cherish; 爱惜时间, make best use of one’s time
爱心, ai4xin1, a loving heart, compassion ; 爱心活动(cf同情)
爱因斯坦, ai4yin1si2tan3, Einstein
爱乐团, ai4yue4tuan2, philharmonic orchestra; 爱乐, love music
安插, an1cha1, insert; 安插线人, plant a mole (in an organization)
安定, an1ding4, maintain, stabilize; stable, quiet; be safe ;安定有序stability and social order
安度, an1du4, live peaceably; 安度晚年/安度余生/安度余年
安顿, an1dun4, help settle down; be peaceful or undisturbed; 安顿某人过夜
安分, an1fen4, abide by the law
安分守己, an1fen4shou3ji3, know one’s place, honest; content with lot ; 希望雇员安分守己
安抚, an1fu3, aid and comfort (console), appease; 安抚伤员;
X 安静, an1jing4, quiet, calm; quiet down, keep silent
安居乐业, an1ju1le4ye4, live and work in peace and contentment
安理会, an1li3hui4, Security Council
安谧, an1mi4, tranquil, tranquility; 安谧的环境
安宁, an1ning2, peaceful, tranquil; 过安宁的生活
安排, an1pai2, arrangement, set up, plan;精心安排, carefully arranged;
安排好, an1pai2hao3, make arrangements to; 我们已经安排好去造访父母
安贫乐道, an1pin2le4dao4, be content with poverty; only care re principles/the Way
安全, an1quan2, safe; safety; 安全套, condom;
安全带, an1quan2dai4, seatbelt; 安全第一, di4yi1, safety first
安逸, an1yi4, easy and comfortable; 生活安逸, easy life
安营, an1ying2, pitch camp; camp (Jud 6)
安然无恙, an1ran2wu2yang4, safe and sound; 执行任务后安然无恙地返回
安身, an1shen1, have roof over head; take shelter
安睡, an1shui3, sleep in peace; 黑夜是为了休憩安睡
安危, an1wei3, safety or safety and danger; 安危逸劳(王明道)safety/danger leisure/labor?
安慰, an1wei4, comfort; 安慰的信息
安息, an1xi1, sleep, rest in peace; 愿他的灵魂安息吧!安息日Sabbath
安息主怀, an1xi1zhu3huai2, dying day; rest in peace
安歇, an1xie1, rest, go to bed
安闲, an1xian2, leisurely, serene, easy; 安闲自在; 安闲轻松的情形
安详, an1xiang2, serenity; 安详地死去;举止安详/神态安详
安享, an1xiang3, enjoy in peace (elderly person); 安享晚年
安歇, an1xie2, rest
安心, an1xin1, feel at ease; be relieved
安养, an1yang3, provide care for elderly, hospice; 安养所/安养院
安逸, an1yi4, easy and comfortable; 安逸的人生/安逸的生活
安葬, an1zang4, bury, burial (埋葬)
安置, an1zhi4, prepare, arrange; 安置无家可归的孩子, place homeless children
安装, an1zhuang1, install, set up; 这台机器已经安装了,可以开始工作了(加装)
鞍, an1, saddle (冯延巳;庭院深深)
按部就班, an4bu4jiu4ban1, follow the prescribed order
按理, an4li3, logically, 按理不应该这么办
按摩, an4mo2, massage
按捺不住, an4na4buzhu4, unable to hold back, 按捺不住心中的仇恨/激动的心情
按钮, an4niu3, button
按期, an4qi1, on time; punctual; due date 不能按期付款
按日, an4ri4, per diem; daily; 他按日租用自行车,rent a bicycle by the day
按时, an4shi2, on time (按期)
按图索骥, an4tu2suo3ji4, look for a steed with a picture; follow up on a clue, be uncreative
按下葫芦浮起瓢, an4xia4hu2lufu2qi3piao2, solve one problem, another crops up
按压, an4ya1, press (with hand), restrain
X 按照, an4zhao4, according to
按着, an4zhe, according to
案子, an4zi, long , narrow table; law case
案件, an4jian4, case
案卷, an4juan4, files, documents, archives
案例, an4li4, case method; 案例学习方法; 手头案例, case at hand
案情, an4qing2, details of a case; 案情相当复杂/了解案情
岸边, an4bian1, shore
暗暗, an4an4, secretly; 暗暗跟踪, secretly follow/track
暗处, an4chu3, a dark place; 白天躲在暗处
暗淡, an4dan4, become dark, dim, dark, gloomy, drab; 晚霞渐渐暗淡
暗地里, an4di4li, secretly, inwardly
暗含, an4han2, veiled, implied; 暗含的威胁
暗火, an4huo3, smoldering fire
暗恋, an4lian4, secretly love; 他暗恋着她, he is her secret admirer
暗杀, an4sha1, assassinate
暗示, an4shi4, hint; give a hint, imply; 暗, dark
暗示性, an4shi4xing4, implied; 不管是明定的或暗示性的
暗喻, an4yu4, metaphor (隐喻); xxx是她暗喻不忠诚的成语
暗自, an4zi4, inwardly; to oneself (opp 公然);暗自发笑, smile inwardly
暗中, an4zhong1, in the dark, in secret; 暗中操纵,pull strings beyind the scenes
黯黯, an4an4, dimly, gloomy (苏轼;永遇乐)
黯然, an4ran2, dark and dull; downcast
肮脏, ang1zang1, filthy
昂奋, ang2fen4, high-spirited, full of vigor 精神昂奋
昂贵, ang2gui4, expensive
盎然, ang4ran2, abundant; full; exuberant; 春意盎然, spring is in the air
凹陷, ao1xian4, cave in, sink, dent; 表面凹陷的罐头
熬, ao2/ao1, boil, endure; 熬一锅汤, boil a pot of soup ; 用微火熬, simmer
熬煎, ao2jian1, suffering, torture, torment; 经不住这样的熬煎
X 熬夜, ao2ye4, stay up late
遨游, ao2you2, go on a trip; 遨游海上, go on a cruise; 遨游太空, go to outer space
傲骨, ao4gu3, proud and unyielding
傲慢, ao4man4, arrogant; 傲慢无礼, arrogant and rude
傲气, ao4qi4, conceit
奥秘, ao4mi4, mystery
奥妙, ao4miao4, secret, hidden ; subtle is 奥妙无穷
奥运会, ao4yun4hui4, Olympic Games; 奥林匹克运动会
懊丧, ao4sang4, dejected, depressed ; 心情懊丧
懊悔, ao4hui3, regret , remorse (王明道)
懊恼, ao4nao3, mad, angry, upset; 为丢失了钱包儿懊恼, fret over lose of purse
坳, ao4, hollow, depression between mountains (Wang Wei; 孟城坳)